Morgantown Parking Authority

About Us

Board Meetings and Minutes

Board Meetings and meeting minutes are posted on the City of Morgantown’s website:

The Morgantown Parking Authority Board meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. in the Public Safty Building Conference Room. 

Office Hours and Phone Numbers

The Morgantown Parking Authority office is located at 300 Spruce Street which is at the corner of Spruce and Walnut Street in Morgantown, WV. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and our phone number is 304-284-7435.

Mission Statement

The Morgantown Parking Authority works diligently to provide convenient, safe, clean, and accessible public parking for the Downtown area. The Authority shall continually maintain, improve, and increase parking opportunities to meet the unique challenges that are present as the result of growth and continued development in the City of Morgantown.


The Parking Authority goals are reviewed each year to determine their achievement and how that achievement has impacted the vision of the Mission Statement. Goals summon the Authority personnel to greet the many challenges that influence our customers’ needs and convenient accessibility to Authority facilities.

Board of Directors

Charles McEwen, Chair
Jeanne Hagan, Vice Chair
City Council Representative
Shane Mardis
Amy Dale
Dana McKenzie, Executive Director


In order to serve the Downtown area efficiently and effectively, as well as deliver on the mission statement, the Authority employs 13 professionals that service 2,202 parking spaces (9 surface lots, 4 parking garages, and 14 City streets) 24 hours a day, 6 days a week in the downtown area. As of July 1, 2010 the Authority began working with the Morgantown Police Department to meet the needs in the residential areas of Morgantown as well. There are five enforcement officers, four maintenance employees, three employees in office operations, and the director who strive to meet the goals of the Authority’s mission.

Contact Us

9 + 9 =

300 Spruce Street Morgantown, WV 26505

HELP LINE:  Day - 304.284.7435  |  Night/Weekend - 304.376.5252