Morgantown Parking Authority


What to do if you receive a citation in Morgantown?

Morgantown Parking Authority – MPA parking citations will either be in an orange or yellow envelope. If you wish to pay a citation that you received from the MPA, we have four options for your convenience:

  1. You may drop your payment off in one of our courtesy boxes in the MPA parking lots by the paystations.
  2. You may pay by phone with Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express by calling our office 304-284-7435 Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  3. Mail your check payment to our office at 300 Spruce Street Morgantown, WV 26505. Be sure to enclose your license plate and citation number with your payment to ensure proper credit of your account.
  4. You may pay online here.

Morgantown Police Department – If you receive a yellow/white parking citation taped to your vehicle’s side window or side mirror, this will be from the Morgantown Police Department. You can contact the Municipal Court at 304-284-7497.

West Virginia University – WVU parking citations are white/blue and placed under your windshield wiper. You can contact the WVU parking office at 304-293-5502.

What should I do if I receive a citation at a malfunctioning parking meter?

Report a broken meter by calling 1-304-284-7435. If it is after office hours, please leave a message. A meter ticket will not be dismissed unless a broken meter is reported within 24-hours of the date and time the ticket was issued. 

How do I find out how many citations I have?

Call 1-304-284-7435 Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with your license plate number, and one of our customer service representatives will look up your account for you or do it online by entering your license plate number here.

How or where do I pay for my parking citations that are from MPA?

There are several options. You can:

  • By Internet:
    Secure payments can be made with MasterCard or VISA only (subject to a convenience fee) 24-hours per day, 7-days per week.
  • By Phone: Call our office Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at 1-304-284-7435 to pay with MasterCard, VISA, or Discover.
  • By Mail: Make check or money order payable to Morgantown Parking Authority. Write the ticket number and license plate number of the ticketed vehicle on your check or money order (to avoid delays that could result in late fees). Mail the ticket and your payment to Morgantown Parking Authority, 300 Spruce Street Morgantown, WV 26505. Your canceled check is your receipt. DO NOT mail cash or credit card information as payment.
  • In-Person: Pay in person using cash, check, MasterCard, VISA or Discover at the Morgantown Parking Authority Office located at 300 Spruce Street in the Public Safety Building downtown Morgantown.  Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday.

How do I contest a citation?

If you choose to contest a meter violation citation, you must schedule a court hearing within ten (10) days of the Date of Issue by calling the Parking Authority office at 1-304-284-7435 Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with your citation and license plate number.

I received a citation but I was feeding the meter all day. Why did I get it?

Although many believe you may feed a meter all day, the City of Morgantown Ordinance #363.14(a) states that “Overtime Parking; Depositing Additional Coins.  Cause, allow or permit any vehicle registered in the name of, or operated by, such person to be parked overtime or beyond the period of legal parking time established for any parking meter zone or parking meter space as set forth in this article or deposit in any parking meter a coin for the purpose of parking beyond the maximum legal parking time for the particular parking meter zone or parking meter space.” Simply stated you may only park at a meter for the amount of time the meter allows. Feeding a meter longer than the allotted time warrants a citation for the violation of “Short-Term Timed Space.”

Why did I get a citation for parking against traffic?

All vehicles that parallel park must park in the same direction as the flow of traffic. This is the case on both one way and two way traffic streets. The reason for this is because if you park in the opposite direction you will be pulling out of the space heading into the flow of traffic. See City code 361.05 (c)

How does Juror parking work?

Should you be selected for Jury duty at the Monongalia County Court House, you will park in either the University Avenue or Spruce Street parking garage.  Upon entering the parking garage, you will pull a ticket at the entry gate. Keep this ticket with you until it is time for you to leave for the day. After your Juror session is over, you will be given a Juror validation sticker by the court to place on your ticket. Once you return to your car in the parking garage, you may drive to the exit gate and insert your validated ticket at the garage’s exit. You do not need to go to the pay station.

Handicap Parking?

Handicap Parking at Meters (WVU HC Permits are Not Valid, Only State Issued Permits)

Accessible Parking at Meters (WVU Accessible Permits are Not Valid in Cty accessible spaces, Only State Issued Permits)

Handicap ParkingAccessible parking is provided throughout Morgantown in surface lots, street meters, parking garages, and residential neighborhoods. All accessible spaces are well marked with proper signage. To be eligible to park in an accessible space, you must have  state-issued parking permit or a permanent state-issued accessible license plate. In addition, the person to whom the accessible permit was issued must be present in the vehicle to use the permit. 

If you have a state-issued accessible permit and park in an accessible space with a parking meter, you must place money in the meter.

WVU Handicap Permits – WVU issues Handicap permits to be used only on WVU property. These permits cannot be used in any other handicap spaces in the State of WV.

How does the bagged meter program work?

The Morgantown Parking Authority offers a meter bag program for weddings, funerals, construction projects and special events. The way the program works is the individual or individuals who are interested in renting the parking space(s) must contact the Morgantown Parking Authority office prior to the event to insure availability. Once availability has been determined a short meter bag form must be filled out with the meter locations that are to be reserved. After the spaces have been reserved the Parking Authority will then place locked meter bags upon each space reserved. Once the time period of the reservation has expired then the Parking Authority will remove the bags.

For additional information and rules pertaining to meter bags please see the meter bag form. 

Loading Zones?

The City of Morgantown provides loading zones that are to only be used by commercial vehicles while actually engaged in the loading and unloading of goods, wares or merchandise or by vehicles in which a loading zone permit was issued by the Morgantown Parking Authority. Vehicles not actually engaged in loading or unloading shall not occupy any loading zone space at any time during the posted loading zone hours. Each loading zone will be clearly marked by a red curb or a red meter as well as signage with the designated times of operation.

Enforcement Times?

Parking meters and all other city ordinances are enforced 24 hours a day.

Vehicle Impounding Procedures?

Impounding – Morgantown Parking Authority Enforcement officers shall scofflaw vehicle plates for outstanding parking citations within the City of Morgantown. When it is determined that a vehicle has two or more unpaid parking citations, either through the Morgantown Parking Authority, the Municipal Court, or both departments combined, the Enforcement officer will call the parking office for an amount owed. After looking at the payment history and looking for any payment arrangements or specific circumstances, the parking office will then inform the officer whether a vehicle should be impounded or not. If it is determined that the vehicle is eligible to be impounded, it will then be immobilized and or towed at the owner’s expense. (Article 365.11, Ordinance 99-01 of the City Ordinance)

Payment and Release of Boot – Once a vehicle has been immobilized or towed, the owner or driver of the vehicle shall, in addition to all fines and penalties, pay the Morgantown Parking Authority the sum of forty-five dollars ($45.00) for administrative costs for immobilizing the vehicle. 

Please do not attempt to pay your outstanding parking tickets online once the vehicle has been immobilized. Instead, follow the instructions on the warning placed on the vehicle.

No unauthorized person shall move any vehicle that has been immobilized before obtaining a proper release form from the Morgantown Parking Authority or the Morgantown Police Department dispatch, and the Morgantown Parking Authority removes the boot.

How do Contractor Permits work?

Contractors can receive permits to park on the blue curbs in the neighborhoods while doing construction. Each contractor must produce a copy of their building permit in order to receive a permit to park in the neighborhoods. The permits will be given on a job by job basis.

If multiple permits are required for workers we will provide them but only for the duration of each specific job.

If a contractor is performing a job that does not require a building permit then they can use the visitors pass from the resident’s house that they are working on.

Contact Us

7 + 13 =

300 Spruce Street Morgantown, WV 26505

HELP LINE:  Day - 304.284.7435  |  Night/Weekend - 304.376.5252